Expert Scientific Editing & Advising

  • AEREA is now offering training classes on scientific writing at $1,400 per session with seven lectures. (Feedback)
  • Trainees' Insititute is responsible for setting up the schedule via Zoom or Team meetings. 
* $150 may be charged if the revised manuscript has been rewritten with more than 35% new additions that are not suggested by Dr. Nielsen. Tracking change is strongly recommended. 

---------- Editing ----------

<1500 words                               $200

1501-3000 words                        $350

3001-4000 words                        $400

4001-5000 words                        $450

5001-6000 words                        $500

6001-8000 words                        $600

> 8000 words           $75/1000 words

---------- Advising ----------

$200/ 10 pages  for editing cover letter/responses and analyzing reviewers' comments

(References are excluded in the price)

AEREA Inc. specializes in agricultural and environmental research and each paper is edited for its scientific merit and English presentation by Dr. David Nielsen who is a world renowned agricultural scientist.


With AEREA Inc, your paper is in good hands because Dr. Nielsen reads each paper as his own. Each paper may be edited up to 3 times (Track Changes in Word is recommended after 1st edit). 


Your manuscript will be edited and returned in 7-10 days excluding holidays. Please specify the type of editing services shown below when submitting your manuscripts. 

---------- Editing ----------

<1500 words                              $400

1501-3000 words                        $500

3001-4000 words                        $600

4001-5000 words                        $700

5001-6000 words                        $800

6001-7500 words                        $900

7501-10000 words                   $1,000

> 10000 words      $100/1000 words

---------- Advising ----------

$200/ 10 pages  for editing cover letter/responses and analyzing reviewers' comments

(References are excluded in the price)